Espace Albert Premier

Espace Albert Premier


Among the various projects for the Monaco Oceanographic Museum, the proposal concerning the Espace Albert Premier is the best way to grant recognition to a man of great far-sightedness who was the father of many international scientific initiatives and contributed to boost the development of the Principality.

The idea is to locate the Espace close to the Oceanographic Museum and the port and is to become the new symbol of the Principality. Since the environment has always been a source of inspiration for most prominent actions the Principality continues to attach great importance to environmental  protection seen as the core of its programmes for the future. 
The shape of the building is inspired by  the Hirondelle, one of Albert Premier’s sailing vessels he used as a laboratory for oceanographic research, and by the fluidity of his  ideas and achievements in various sectors ranging from oceanography, archeology to biology, engineering and peace.  

The large inner empty space of the entrance hall is the ideal scenario to host mementoes, scientific objects, videos, a large aquarium and educational areas for the popularization of science. It is a fluid, dynamic partly technological space, and partly a sea element suspended on the water but it can be moved if necessary.
Espace Albert Premier  exploits the most innovative renewable energy technologies with its wind and photovoltaic installations: its inside floor is sensitive to visitors movement and produces energy.


The space of Albert 1er was designed to exploit the energy of the sea and the renewable resources:

  1. The micro-aeolian system
    is constituted by a series of aero-generators that maximize rotors’ performances operating at variable speed. The technology used requires direct connection between generator and rotor reducing the dispersions due to friction and facilitating the continuous movement of the blades.
  2. A high-tech skin
    the external skin is subject to heat, humidity and degradation due to salinity therefore it is made with innovative materials specifically conceived to reduce heat load transforming incoming energy flows into inner climate regulation systems.
  3. A photovoltaic concentration system
    it consists of a series of optical lenses and mirrors directing the light on the cells and increasing its efficiency by 30% compared to standard systems.
  4. Floor energy
    the piezoelectric crystals on the floor of the whole exhibition area transform the kinetic energy produced by visitors’ trampling into electric energy.


Date and Place:
Principality of Monaco - Work in progress


J. M. Schivo & Associati s.r.l. (Jean Marc Schivo & Lucilla Revelli)

RFR – Paris (Niccolò Baldassini, Kieran Rice)

Environmental engeenering:
RFR éléments – Paris (Benjamin Cimerman)