Signs of Dreams

Exhibition in Rome - "Casa dell'Architettura"


The “Casa dell’Architettura” in Rome, new head office of “Ordine degli Architetti”, offered hospitality, from 12 November to 4 December 2004, an exhibition of Jean Marc Schivo’s projects and research.

The exhibition, organized by Cesare de Sessa and supported by the City Council of Rome, the A.I.C.C.R.E., the “Valle Giulia” Faculty of Architecture  of  “La Sapienza” University in Rome and Survival International, was an occasion to show the Studio’s latest projects and its future approach to design.

One of the main objectives of our association is to promote the work of architects from Rome. The reason for this is more than just a matter of cultural kinship and affiliation, it is a desire to high-light the important and, in many respects, extraordinary undertakings that roman architects have been involved in over recent years, finding their own individual ways and approaches to architectural design that refuse to be bracketed into some unitary and easily identifiable category. In some instances they are very famous  architects, but in most cases they are relatively unknown, or (as in our case) architectural designers who are highly esteemed abroad and well thought of here in Italy for the high standard of their work, but not exactly familiar figures, particularly in the academic environment.

Jean Marc Schivo prefers to work out of the main stream, steering clear of all those cultural trends and schools of thought, which seem to dominate the work of modern day Italian architects. All his work is logically grounded in interactive relations between people, nature and architecture-technology, striving to discover less obvious connotations in these relations, indeed actually trying to draw something innovative out of theme.
This results in architecture designed to knit into the natural environment through a stylistic idiom expressed through fluid forms and unconventional technological solutions of great poetic force. His design work basically draws on design (using pastels and water colours) to give added value to his architectural expertise and provide the means to be more imaginative, once again giving architecture the chance to envisage lines of research that have not yet been explored.

Amedeo Schiattarella
President of the Order of Architects of Rome

J. M. Schivo & Associati s.r.l.
(Jean Marc Schivo & Lucilla Revelli)

Structure realization: AR.CO. STUDIO srl Panels realization: Vertical Vision SpA Illumination project: iGuzzini Illuminazione srl